National Trust Database - Search Results

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Rockbeare Park

Darebin Parklands

Yarana Road, ALPHINGTON VIC 3078 - Property No L10014

Darebin Parklands is divided into two by the Darebin Creek. This meandering waterway is complemented by basalt and silurian cliffs and outcrops, cascades, caves and areas of basalt paving. As a wetland area the Park is very important to the fauna of the region and many interesting species of birds have been sighted. Evidence of the past history of the area which is of interest includes significant plantings of Mulberries, Olives and other plants surviving from ... more



Rockbeare Park

Darebin Parklands

Rockbeare Grove, IVANHOE VIC 3079 - Property No L10014

Darebin Parklands is divided into two by the Darebin Creek. This meandering waterway is complemented by basalt and silurian cliffs and outcrops, cascades, caves and areas of basalt paving. As a wetland area the Park is very important to the fauna of the region and many interesting species of birds have been sighted. Evidence of the past history of the area which is of interest includes significant plantings of Mulberries, Olives and other plants surviving from the ... more

